Wealth Factory Success Stories

We're here to help in good times, and bad.

None of these these results are typical for entrepreneurs, and vary based on a number of factors. Being great dealing with those factors is our job.

The most common thing we hear from people?

"If only I would have known this earlier, I would have made hundreds of thousands ... even millions of more dollars just from the mistakes I would have avoided."

Everyone Starts Somewhere. Here's what Some Say:

Kamilah S

Dr. Kamilah Stevenson


"One of the greatest decisions I could’ve ever made in 2020 was to make an investment into the Wealth Factory! My family and I have become empowered by all of their mind-blowing resources, coaches, team members and more. This connection has literally been transformative and life-changing in every way possible! Thank you Wealth Factory!"


Dr. Trevor Tsuchikawa, DDS

Cosmetic and Family Dentistry

"I love everything about what this company is doing. This is the real American Dream. Helping people live the life they love. Finding true financial knowledge for people to help them achieve their goals.

I would recommend signing up for Wealth Factory to anyone."

Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki

Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

"If you want to stay poor or middle class, listen to Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey. If you want improve yourself and get financial education of the rich, listen to Garrett Gunderson."

Jason Moore

Jason S Moore

Awaken the Hero

" I love everything about Wealth Factory... Garrett B. Gunderson, his team, and Accredited Network are true superstars... I had the privilege of meeting Garrett about 8-9 years ago when our mutual friend, Sean Stephenson, connected us so I could help with his family’s health goals and we immediately hit it off... It’s hard to quantify the positive impact Garrett has had on my life because he has created SO much value over the years with his vast expertise in wealth creation and management... I’m currently going through and implementing the Wealth Architecture Premium and Cash Flow Banking programs, which are setting my family and me up with financial abundance, independence, and freedom for GENERATIONS to come... As I sit here in my home office, overlooking a beautiful view in my personal version of paradise, I feel so grateful and appreciative for the life I get to enjoy today... and Garret has been a constant stand for my personal, professional, and financial freedom to help me get here... I can't recommend Garrett and Wealth Factory enough!"


Melanie Crandall


"The experience at Wealth Factory has been amazing. Garrett and his group do an amazing job of sharing their knowledge. They have brought pieces of the puzzle relating to wealth, soul purpose and building your business all together. They encompass all areas and help you to understand how to enrich all those pieces of the puzzle so that you have a successful, fulfilling and happy life. I highly recommend this program!"


Dr. Hal J Board, DDS

Family Dentistry, Mesquite TX

"I'm the most skeptical person in the world.

I've been beaten up by accountants and lawyers. I thought the whole world... I was the target, and everyone in the world was taking a shot at me.

This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me."


Charlie W.

Bethesda, MD

"I have been working with Wealth Factory for only the past 6 weeks and my results have been spectacular. I am a professional and have owned my practice in the medical field for the past 24 years. Although I have attended other financial seminars and read other financial books and systems this has been the most revolutionary for my life in such a short time for many reasons. There is a wealth of paradigm shifting information and videos produced by Garrett on the website which helped set the stage for my understanding and progress.

"With the volumes of mixed messages in society around our financial lives there is so much confusion and misinformation about how to tap into our true power and become wealthy in all ways (financially, spiritually and mentally). Garret and the Wealth Factory team have done a great job breaking down the dysfunctional complexity to a set of inspiring basic principles which make sense and have helped give new meaning and understanding on how the system really works and how to succeed. In addition, I have been impressed by all of the teammates I have come in contact so far. My financial architect, Wade, asked good questions so he could understand where I was in life financially and mentally then helped developed a plan of action and the right sequence for me to meet with my new board of directors who specialize in several important life and financial areas. On the first meeting with Dale, my cash flow specialist he made several good suggestions, one of which quickly saved me $3,400 in monthly cash flow!

"I am so thankful to Wealth Factory for reigniting my passion and purpose and helping create such value for me which will allow me to in turn go out and not only live the live I love, but touch the lives of others in a positive, constructive way. Since I have just begun this process I know I still have so much more learning, and positive change ahead of me, which will help transform my business and my family's financial future."

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors.

Jim Arnold

Dr. Jim Arnold, DDS


"We have had a phenomenal experience with the team. They have been right on top of everything since day one — helping us to reorganize our very crazy financial life. They have covered all of the bases — from estate planning to tax planning, accounting, investing, banking, insurance coverage, helping us to make sound business decisions, and connecting us with other really exceptional professionals who are helping us in even more areas."


Dr. Patrick Gentempo


"Wealth Factory has had a profound effect on my thinking and a profound effect on my life...it transformed my point of view about finance. For example, there are tax credits that I didn’t know about, that my standard CPA never brought up. Garrett brought one to my attention, I brought it up to my firm, and literally, I might be going back 3 years and getting a VERY large refund check, which I'm pretty excited about."

Aimee S I am in the Freedom FastTrack year long program. It has been helpful not only for specific actionable items, but also for peace of mind knowing that I'm building a strong foundation. The mindset piece is critical and is very much in alignment with what I believe in - that the world is an abundant place - and I appreciate that action items are all built with that in mind. I have set up new things and got confirmation that what I was doing on some things was already good, which is also helpful. Also like the other professionals they introduce you to. Worth the investment for sure.

- Aimee Serafini

Dr. Himsel I recently (within the last 3 months) made the decision to join Wealth Factory's FastTrack program. Although at the time, the decision was concerning because of the financial investment, I now realize it was one of the best financial decisions I have ever made. Within the few short months of working with the entire Wealth Factory staff and the accredited network, I have gained more clarity than I ever could have imagined. My wife and I have a long way to go in completing the first year, however we are gaining certainty in all aspects of our financial life because of the program; the ripple effects of which enhance our personal life enjoyment. We look forward to completing our first year and continuing beyond with the accredited network as well as entertaining the business FastTrack program. Thanks Wealth Factory!

I also recently used Garrett's key hire packet to hire a new employee. After studying the packet and applying the methods to my profession, I made a fantastic hire! The method was great for weeding out possible applicants based off some concrete rules and directions. On the other hand, the eventual new hire followed through verbatim and made our first in person interview both enjoyable and easy. The hire was a no brainer! Thanks again Garrett for all the help!

- Jared N. Himsel, D.C.

Varney Wealth Factory helped us get a retroactive tax refund of $37,000 and will help us save $23,500 on our tax bill every year going forward. It's been the greatest investment we have ever made in ourselves. They helped us discover our soul purpose, gain security and peace of mind, and renewed our passion for success. Within the first 8 months we saw 130% growth in our business and for every dollar we have invested into Wealth Factory we have had a 900% return.

- CJ & Michelle Varney, Business owners

Toya I called the Wealth Factory when I was just so overwhelmed. I'd been a franchisee for 10 years and I was swimming upstream, trying to just pay the rent and make sure my employees got paid.

I didn't know where I was going to get the money to pay off my debts. They helped me look at the debts and pay them off systematically. I was able to increase my credit score within a short amount of time. I now have an excellent credit score.

I was able to go into the bank and get a loan for $100,000. I was able to add on to my franchise and do some remodeling in our store and I was able to find the money to do that. It's really been an eye opener and a life saver for me — and I'm just so grateful that I found the program.

- Toya F.

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

Jonathan Sprinkles Garrett Gunderson is the man. He is a value creator, and will change the way you think.

- Jonathan Sprinkles, Entrepreneur, Author, You've Got This!

Stephen F Garrett and his Team are world-class. As Wellness Oriented Health Care Providers, my wife, Camilla and I resonated w Garrett's wealth-building philosophy immediately. If you are looking for a coach that has a proven system based on the best practices of the wealthy and follows the natural laws of Purpose, Alignment and Abundance - look no further. Thank you, WF Team.

- Stephen Franson, DC, Owner, IN8 Wellness Center

Jason Garrett Gunderson has shown me a new more empowering way to understand money. What I've learned from him truly makes me look at my business and investments as my very own wealth factory. Thanks Garrett, now I "get it."

- Dr. Jason Deitch, Founder, AmpLIFEied

I'm the most skeptical person in the world.

I've been beaten up by accountants and lawyers. I thought the whole world... I was the target, and everyone in the world was taking a shot at me.

This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.

- Dr. Hal Board, DDS
   Family Dentistry, Mesquite TX

The financial security, knowing we’re going in the right direction, and freeing up $7,000/month, between businesses, homes, property--that in and of itself is pretty cool.

Everything in my life has changed. And I know that’s pretty crazy to say that. But everything has changed.

- Gary L.

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

Ryan Chadek Wealth Factory has been instrumental in helping my wife and I develop a plan for financial independence and truly maximize our human life value. My Financial Architect has helped us every step of the way - looking for inefficiencies where we can save money and also recommending certain products or strategies we might have missed. He's been awesome to work with! I sleep better at night knowing we have a solid financial strategy that doesn't rely on gambling with the stock market. What I'm most excited about is the chance to pass along our values to future generations; to give them the opportunity to succeed and hopefully leave a legacy of impact. I'm so grateful we connected with this company. Thanks Wealth Factory!

- Ryan Chadek, CEO, Digital Visions

I love everything about what this company is doing. This is the real American Dream. Helping people live the life they love. Finding true financial knowledge for people to help them achieve their goals.

I would recommend signing up for Wealth Factory to anyone. I would love to stand beside them on their drive to exposing the 401k myth! Whenever someone asks me what book they should read my first answer is alway Killing Sacred Cows!

- Trevor Tsuchikawa

Wealth Factory's Wealth Architecture Premium Program has been a great investment for us. Our Financial Architect has connected us with the right resources and helped us figure out our action items so we do the right things, in the right order, to improve cash flow. From restructuring agreements and renegotiating private funds, to reviewing productive operating expenses and protective expenses, it's been a very thorough process overall. So far we’ve found over $10,000 added cash flow per month, and still improving.

- Wendell & Connie Long

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

I have been working with Wealth Factory for a few years now. I am very impressed by their professionalism and help to achieve my goals. As a business owner, I wanted to make sure that I have the best plan of action if something would happen to me. Working with them is allowing me to put in place a trust and a will for me and my family. They helped me to identify the gaps that I had in my coverages for cars, home, business insurance policies. In addition, they helped me to come up with a plan to pay off all my debts which will give me an amazing saving of $20,000 that I would have paid otherwise in interests. In brief, this team of professionals know their stuff and can help you to maximize your cash flow, save money, increase your income and have a better quality of life!

- Dr. Serge Gregoire, Ph.D, CCH

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

Michael G Wealth Factory has surpassed my expectations many times over. I’ve worked with other “experts” in the past and no one has ever taken me, my family and my business as far as Wealth Factory has. Just a few months into the program and we’ve already discovered how to put an extra $4,454.42 a month into our personal bank accounts. Using this we’ve been able to create saving mechanisms for my children, family and future investments. The coaching sessions have not only helped me recapture money but they have given me resources to help with my business, investments, insurance and relationships. I’ve gotten everything I’d hoped for out of this program and so much more. I look forward to many more years of coaching and I highly recommend Wealth Factory to anyone looking to get their personal and business life in order.

- Michael G

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

Zaino We have this team that we truly trust, that's all connected. I can send one email to Garrett's team at Wealth Factory. They all have your best interest in mind. When you pay for the best, you're gonna get the best. When you try to skimp and go cheap, you're going to pay double.

- Dr. Chris Zaino, Abundant Life Chiro, Spring TX

We are in our dream home because of the advice we were given from Wealth Factory! Thank you Garrett and team for everything!"

- Kirin Christianson, Writer and entrepreneur

We will look back 20 years from now and see Wealth Factory as one of the most important, pivotal moments of our lives.

- Robb Wolf, best-selling author of The Paleo Solution

Virgin This is such a huge topic for our world where we are good at making money and not necessarily great at keeping it. Garrett and Wealth Factory are absolutely fantastic.

- JJ Virgin, Four-Time NY Times Bestselling Author

Sears So many financial planners focus on scrimping and saving until you're 65 (or older). What makes Wealth Factory different is they show you how to enjoy your life, live well now, and be well prepared for the future.

- Marilee Sears, Founder, Marilee Sears Coaching

I'm 110% satisfied. Everything has been beyond expectation. We're getting results and things are happening quickly. I couldn't be happier! I beg you to get involved... they will change your life.

- Dr. Dan Yachter

As a business owner I know how difficult it can be to find good people. I want you to know that you have some amazing, top-notch, grade A people in the Wealth Factory organization. Everyone I've dealt with has been stellar! Thank you for the program and thank you for putting together such an amazing team.

- Brandon Lochridge

Finally! I feel like I have found the path to achieve my dreams for myself and my family. For years I have felt like I was aimlessly searching, and asking ‘professionals’ questions and checking my ego, and trying to build the right team — and all of the things you read about to be successful. But I just couldn't get the answers I needed. Now, I feel like I see the path.

- Ben Frank

Before I even spent a dime with their company they had found ways for me to save literally six figures that I wasn't capturing! The weight off my shoulders and the peace of mind has been worth the tuition already. Finally I've got a path in front of me that will allow me to focus on what I do best.

- Dr. Jerry Duggar

Working with Wealth Factory has definitely been an asset for us. Just by talking to one of your tax strategists we found that we are going to save $14,000 to $15,000 in taxes.

- Nader and Rima Bazzi

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

Zollinger As an employee, I wasn’t sure if Wealth Architecture Premium would help me, but we are thrilled with the results we are getting. Our Financial Architect first helped us get financially organized. He then showed us how to build wealth on our current income. I had so many questions for him during our office hours together, and he answered them all. And when we found out we were pregnant, he is the first person we called to make sure starting a family wouldn’t derail us financially. This program has finally given us peace of mind when it comes to our finances. So if you’re thinking about joining Wealth Architecture Premium — don’t put this off. Just get into this program today. You won’t be sorry.

- Stefan and Lauren Zollinger

Scott S It was the best experience we ever had regarding our business and finances.

- Scott Strommer

Grace Syn The information I got through Garrett's team increased my cash flow by $6,500 a month, virtually effortlessly.

Dr. Grace Syn

Garrett's team helped me increase my monthly cash flow by $2,500 which allowed us to move into the ideal home for our family.

Dr. Jessica M.

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

Gandolfi Using Wealth Factory's techniques, the IRS sent me a tax refund check for $102,000. And I now save an additional $20,000 in taxes every single year.

Dr. Michael Gandolfi, Entrepreneur

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

I'm so thankful to be here with you guys, ultimately you are my mentors!
- Leo J.

I just wanted to thank you for all your help and education! I have been working with our insurance agent (Allstate) and we are increasing our auto liability substantially for only $60 a year increase. We are consolidating both our rental properties under this insurance company, plus our homeowners. By moving all our policies, we had several discounts and we had to do this any way to be eligible for their umbrella policy which will cost us $323 a year. Total outcome - we saved $1094 a year which more than paid for the umbrella policy!
Thanks again,
San Angelo, TX

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

Amy’s credit score when we started with Wealth Factory was 650...Lexus just did an initial search and said it was 697 and when I went on lending tree for auto search of various lenders, they offered a free score and Amy is now at 728 (from Trans Union)! Not too bad. Not to mention we have 100% of our Protection foundation of our financial blueprint done (including Will & Trust, Freedom Bar $ reserve and complete revamp of Auto, Home & Whole Life Insurance Policies). With that done and “peace of mind” I invested in a new business strategy and complete web revamp and new website build out that started 2 weeks ago and Amy is going to class to get her Optometry licensure! We have been quite busy.
We have come a long way... thanks guys!
Nick C.

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

I'm so appreciate having your support. Since talking with you on my Cash Recovery Overview, setting my priorities to reduce my debt (using the cash flow system) and increasing my income...I'm set to reduce payments on 2 credit cards from $825/mo to $170, freeing up $655 in cash flow! Before, I would have just looked at the highest interest rate and pay that card down. You guys rock!

Haumea H

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

"The educational process helped up to have greater clarity, decrease our actual risks, while allowing us to have use of money to pursue some soul purpose living."

Michael B., D.C. and Paige B. - Rockwall, TX

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

"Through the educational process and time invested in us we moved from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. It is your level of commitment and caring that makes the difference."

Colin and Connie N. – Renton, WA

Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors

"Though Nate and I were complete strangers at our phone conversation, Nate carefully listened to the summary of my situation and quickly honed in on my concerns and addressed my real needs to make some sensible recommendations that brought me an almost immediate sense of relaxation and relief. What was nice is that Nate did not judge me; he met me where I was at financially which is modest at best and gave me permission to choose the best financial instruments that aligned with my station in life, instead of my choosing flashy but riskier strategies. Invaluable advice. I am grateful. Thank you for being a blessing in my life today."

- Cindy Grogan

"Garrett, I just read my newest edition of BUILD. I signed up on the first day I received the email. I am very happy with the newsletter and it has already created far more value than the cost. The cash flow index was a new and useful tool.

It feels good to finally have a proper, paid connection to your valuable financial knowledge. Thank you for making it available."
Joshua B.

"Loved it! and will look forward to learning every week. Wish I had all of this information when I was in my 30s, however, as you say it is never too late. Thank you!"

"Hi guys. I love your new publication, BUILD. Simple to navigate, mission statement easy to see and clear/understandable. Information you provide is positive, empowering... You are helping people to take easy, actionable steps to break out of their financial boxes and into wealth creation!! Thank you."

"Read the articles - I find them just right in length, i.e. not too long, straight to the point, clear and leave an impact."
Jenny B.

"I like that you will have once-a-week delivery and that it will take only about 30 minutes to read. I also like the ideas of building cash flow rather than shrinking my way to retirement; of retiring in my business rather than from my business. BUILD piques my interest."
Evelyn S.

"I love BUILD. All the articles are informative and can save a person lots of money. I especially liked the article about the simple way to pay down my debt. I have implemented the strategy, which has given me piece of mind, reducing my stress. I can now focus on my business. Thank you."
Lori W.

"The information our family has gained from Wealth Factory already has been enlightening. BUILD is really informative. With access to Wealth Factory I feel very encouraged about our financial future."
Sherrie Jennys

"BUILD looks great! Short, sweet and easy to read. Looking forward to another great idea every week for a long time to come! Thanks."
Mark G.

Thank you! Wonderful information presented in an easily digestible format. Keep it up! Looking forward to dedicating one of my 30 minute a day reading slots to ‘Build’
Brian V.

Wayne L.

"Great stuff. Simple but effective advice. I look forward to future articles. The website structure is clean and refreshing so well done there too."
Greg H.

"Love it! Thank you so much!"
Kelli H.

"Cutting edge! This is how we will bring up the new generation of wealth creators, 30 minutes at a time! Moore's law on the microchip has accelerated in tandem with the speed of premier financial strategy and insight. Thank you is simply not enough time to implement."
Stephen P.

"Good morning! I think BUILD will be a good addition to the Wealth Factory offerings. When members know that they will learn a new strategy in a set amount of time (30 minutes) – or a reminder of a strategy they are already utilizing, it will be more beneficial. They can get fired up, and move on with that new knowledge immediately. Thanks for putting this together!!
Building the Life I Love…"
Kim S.

"Design is fun and fresh, content is awesome - concise and relevant to my needs. Thank you."

"This new format of reading through bite size financial info is quite nice! For me it is more easily assimilated and enjoyable. I like it."
John W.

"I love it. It is short and simple with great information you are likely to read every week. It makes you hungry for more. Thanks."
Bev A.

"Really cool layout and it's a quick read with good information. Thank you for sending it."

"I have one word----amazing! Thanks again. "
Al H.

"Never thought I would find the solutions to life's financial dilemmas. I think you guys have it figured out!"
David V.

"I just read your new publication "Build" and love it! I have been looking for this type of information for a long time. This will definitely be a publication that I will be looking forward to receiving each week."
Linda H.

"Love It! Rock On!"

"I like it, done very well, and I like the format."
Paul Saviez

"Thank you Wealth Factory for doing the heavy lifting and making it easier for us. Now just need to put the steps into action!"
Corey B.

"I love how Build covers the key strategy areas with actionable advice. I've just finished all of the Curriculum for Wealth videos and know that I have found my tribe. I look forward to the efficiency and leverage that my next decade will bring as I utilize these 5 strategies. I have so much more confidence as I step into greatness since enrolling in the Wealth Factory.

...live the life you love."
Jay L.

"It hits everything I need to know for my business. Questions I had for my financial planner that were not answered. More importantly 30 min. Is absolutely doable!"
Gloria A.

"Nicely done, thumbs up. I look forward to reading the issues. I particularly like the planned focus on business owners who can then have a short amount of learning time to produce discreet, actionable items. Excellent practical value."
Dev K. M.

"Love it! Definitely... WHY: Because you "The Builders at Wealth Factory" are doing what you are teaching, yourselves, with your own businesses - You are walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Thanks for sharing!"
Albert W.

"Love it! It's just what I need at this stage of my life. I'm 60 years old and have no retirement. The practical methods you describe make soo much sense. Thank you,"

"Bullseye. Easy to read. Easy to navigate. Actionable info. Intuitive navigation. I'm already looking forward to the next one… In sum, me likey. Thanks,"
Krissy B.

"Overall impression is nothing short of excited, so I would consider this a success! Really looking forward to the next edition. Regards,"
Erik K.

"I liked the short articles from BUILD. I think they gave very specific information that could be applied immediately. I like this format."
Linda M.

"Hello, BUILD is so informative and packed with useful information. Information you can put to use right now. This is truly something special and I want you guys to keep it coming. Thanks for all your hard work. I appreciate it!!!"
Justin H.

"I really enjoyed BUILD! The format and information are great. You guys do a really great job of explaining information in an understandable way and I am looking forward to the weekly issues of BUILD to start hitting my email in box! Keep up the good work!"
Phil C.

"Strong. It is a winner."
Chris C.

"I will enjoy BUILD . I don't like other subscriptions that are more sales pitch than actual useful information. That would be my main concern which I didn't see any indication you would be doing. Good Job!"
Charis L.

"Garrett, Wow!! What a brilliant idea with huge benefits and certainly worth more than $97! I love the design and layout of the publication, makes it easy to go through. The gold nuggets of content that will be laid out so concise and thorough is amazing! I feel blessed to have this coming to my inbox every week! Thanks so much!"
Melissa K.

"I'm sending my teenagers to this website. That's how good it is."
David F.

"Always good information. I especially loved the article about paying down debt as that is where I am at the moment--there and a billion other places. I feel like I rip each dollar into tiny bits to portion it out where it needs to go so I can pay down debt, invest, live, etc. Thanks for the encouragement and wisdom!"
Andrea S.

"Looking forward to BUILD. Anything that can free my from being at the mercy of Wall Street is welcome."
Larry K.