We help entrepreneurs build their wealth and keep it

no matter what happens in the market

With your whole financial team aligned and working from the same playbook, you'll have the confidence and clarity to swing for the fences.

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Trusted by 250,000+ entrepreneurs...

Personal Finance is Pretty Different for Entrepreneurs

If you're an entrepreneur, personal finance is not about handing your money over to the market, or putting it in a retirement plan, and hoping it works out. And it's not about sacrificing quality of life. It's about Economic Independence, where you have enough recurring revenue from cash flow to cover your basic expenses, so you can swing for the fences in everything you're doing, and having peace of mind. You can achieve this through a team approach to your finances, access to resources, second opinions, and bringing in experts for results and implementation when something is broken or missing.

How It Works

Wealth Factory gathers all the pieces of your financial puzzle together under one unified plan. We call this your Financial Blueprint, and we have a team of Wealth Architects who can help you identify your own and customize it to your own unique values and strengths.

This is Accomplished with a 2-Pronged Approach

Integrated Services

Seeing how all your financial pieces fit together gives you financial clarity. But you still have to execute it. And just like a home is built in a specific order, so is your wealth blueprint. The first step is to provide education and services that are built around your values and goals. Then we help you execute that plan. See our services

Interconnected Team

No one builds wealth alone. You need a team to bring all the pieces of your plan to life and give you the kinds of results you desire. Wealth Factory provides the interconnected and integrated team of professionals to help you implement your financial blueprint.
Learn more about the team

The Process

Strategies, Education, Customized Framework, Experts, Integration

Comprehensive Education

Treating your personal finances like a business means focusing primarily on increasing production and cash flow, not cutting back and budgeting.

We provide comprehensive educational materials for 25 different areas of personal finance specific to entrepreneurs.

Our team of "financial nerds" studied the best time-honored financial principles used by the most successful businesses over the last century. Then they applied those same principles to personal finance specifically optimized for business owners.

Why go to all that trouble? Because entrepreneurs get superior results if they treat their personal finances the same way they run their business.

Customized Framework

No two individuals are alike. So a financial plan that works for someone else may not work for you. Wealth Factory provides private assessment tools to help you custom-tailor your financial blueprint to your specific situation.

We also have a team of Wealth Architects and Wealth Engineers ready to assist you. No one cares about your money more than you do, so we help you create a framework that honors your values and goals.

Fully Accredited Network of Financial Experts

Once you have your customized wealth plan in place, we help you execute that plan. You may choose to use your own financial team, our comprehensive network of vetted providers, or a combination of both. Either way, coordinated teamwork is essential for financial success.

This is how "Family Office" firms help high net-worth individuals build a lasting legacy. We offer a comparable level of boutique financial education and services for the working professional without the high net-worth barrier.

Having a full team of financial specialists works best if they are working off the same financial blueprint. Wealth Factory provides you with a financial quarterback to keep every aspect of your wealth plan on task.

Keeping the various members of your wealth team on task and working toward your predetermined goals can be tough work, but Wealth Factory handles all those difficult details for you.

Critical financial issues simplified and addressed, including:

Do you have an emergency fund set aside? Are you built to preserve your worth against the ups and downs of the market? Are you creating a family legacy? Do you have a plan around financial privacy and security? Do you have a process for finding hidden fees in your finances? Do you have a financial team?

You can build a wealth architecture that addresses all of these questions by focusing on critical areas of personal finance like asset protection, estate planning, tax, risk management, and your business.

Personalized Wealth Blueprint

A plan aligned with your strengths mitigates risk and gives you clarity and control.

Every individual is different and your long-term success depends on how well your decisions mesh with what you know and who you know.

As financial advocates, we work with your unique strengths so you can build a solid wealth architecture that gives you protection, safety and stability.

Who We Are

Wealth Factory is a comprehensive personal financial education and implementation program for entrepreneurs, health care professionals and small business owners.

We are not investment advisors who give stock picks or suggest particular types of investments.

We get up every morning to help entrepreneurs and business owners build protection, safety and stability into their finances.

Our Mission

We believe personal finance doesn't need to be mysterious and difficult, so we make it interesting and understandable and tailored to the needs of business owners.

Wealth Factory's mission is to help 1 Million Entrepreneurs and Business Owners build their own Wealth Architecture. We’re committed to helping entrepreneurs keep more of their money by increasing monthly cash flow without having to cut back, budget, take on more risk or increase sales.

Your Guides into the World of Entrepreneurial Finance:

A boutique swat team of experts in cash flow optimization, insurance coverage, asset protection, taxes, trusts, estate planning, business growth, family legacy...

Garrett B. Gunderson

Garrett Gunderson
Chief Wealth Architect

Garrett Gunderson is the New York Times bestselling author of Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destroying Your Prosperity. And he’s personally helped countless business owners create efficient wealth strategies that fit their unique strengths.


Every one of our experts is fiercely, thoroughly vetted

Building a personal finance team doesn't happen over night. Over the years, we've tested every strategy, detail, and dynamic that contributes to a great team.

We do our own personal finances with every one of our experts, and they have to do business in alignment with our values. Here's a glimpse of what we require of them:

Interview with us for 6-12 months, complete our required reading list, and attend our events.

Work on our own personal finances so we can see how knowledgable they are in their area of expertise, how they stack up results-wise against our existing team, how good they are at teaching, and how they do business.

Share the same core values of entrepreneurship, production, prioritizing cash flow, knowledge, building a strong financial foundation while eliminating unnecessary risk, and a wealth architecture around the values and goals that are truly important to our clients instead of a cookie-cutter retirement dream that tells people to shrink back, delay, and defer until they're too old to work.

We regularly contribute articles and insights on:


Personal Finance Education and Implementation Services

Wealth Factory offers an entry point for every level of business.

Weekly Cash Flow Insights

If you'd like to see how personal finance is different for entrepreneurs, you can you can get weekly tips, principles and strategies covering critical topics like taxes, loan optimization, asset protection, estate planning, entity structure, insurance coverage and more. All the information is easy to understand without financial jargon, and is specifically designed to help business owners keep more of the money they make.

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Wealth Architecture

When you're ready to go beyond generalized personal finance strategies, we have education, tools, workshops, and experts ready to help you identify and map out your own individual Wealth Blueprint. You'll discover exactly where you're overexposed, how much you're overpaying and what kinds of financial optimizations will help you most. You can also talk to real people on our team who help you through the process.

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Professional Implementation

Qualified individuals are invited to work one-on-one with our highest level team of wealth experts. This is where we give you custom-tailored help to fully implement your Wealth Blueprint. You also gain access to our Accredited Network of financial experts at this level. This hands-on program helps you achieve the maximum results possible, and past clients tell us it improves every aspect of their life.

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Wealth Factory Stories

There are no "typical" results, because everyone's situation is quite different. But here are a few of our happy clients:

Melanie C

Melanie Crandall


"The experience at Wealth Factory has been amazing. Garrett and his group do an amazing job of sharing their knowledge. They have brought pieces of the puzzle relating to wealth, soul purpose and building your business all together. They encompass all areas and help you to understand how to enrich all those pieces of the puzzle so that you have a successful, fulfilling and happy life. I highly recommend this program!"


Dr. Hal J Board, DDS

Family Dentistry, Mesquite TX

"I'm the most skeptical person in the world.

I've been beaten up by accountants and lawyers. I thought the whole world... I was the target, and everyone in the world was taking a shot at me.

This is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me."


Toya Farrar

Flower Shop Owner

"It's really been an eye opener and a life saver for me — and I'm just so grateful that I found Wealth Factory."

Chris Zaino

Dr. Chriz Zaino

Chiropractor, Entrepreneur

"We have this team that we truly trust, that's all connected. I can send one email to Garrett's team at Wealth Factory. They all have your best interest in mind. When you pay for the best, you're gonna get the best. When you try to skimp and go cheap, you're going to pay double."


Aimee Serafini

Founder, Happivize

"Wealth Factory has been helpful not only for specific actionable items, but also for peace of mind knowing that I'm building a strong foundation."


Charlie W.

Bethesda, MD

"I have been working with Wealth Factory for only the past 6 weeks and my results have been spectacular. I am a professional and have owned my practice in the medical field for the past 24 years. Although I have attended other financial seminars and read other financial books and systems this has been the most revolutionary for my life in such a short time for many reasons. There is a wealth of paradigm shifting information and videos produced by Garrett on the website which helped set the stage for my understanding and progress.

"With the volumes of mixed messages in society around our financial lives there is so much confusion and misinformation about how to tap into our true power and become wealthy in all ways (financially, spiritually and mentally). Garret and the Wealth Factory team have done a great job breaking down the dysfunctional complexity to a set of inspiring basic principles which make sense and have helped give new meaning and understanding on how the system really works and how to succeed. In addition, I have been impressed by all of the teammates I have come in contact so far. My financial architect, Wade, asked good questions so he could understand where I was in life financially and mentally then helped developed a plan of action and the right sequence for me to meet with my new board of directors who specialize in several important life and financial areas. On the first meeting with Dale, my cash flow specialist he made several good suggestions, one of which quickly saved me $3,400 in monthly cash flow!

[Disclaimer: All businesses are different, so individual results can vary significantly based on a variety of factors.]

"I am so thankful to Wealth Factory for reigniting my passion and purpose and helping create such value for me which will allow me to in turn go out and not only live the live I love, but touch the lives of others in a positive, constructive way. Since I have just begun this process I know I still have so much more learning, and positive change ahead of me, which will help transform my business and my family's financial future."

First Step on the Path to Economic Independence:


(time to stop leaking, overpaying and wasting your hard-earned money)

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